Diana Lilford, Hout Bay
The sharks are circling around the carcass of the Hout Bay Harbour. Let us fervently hope that good sense and honesty will prevail (“Harbour management project out to tender”, Sentinel News, July 1).
This is a unique opportunity, a truly amazing and beautiful place that could benefit everyone.
What is needed is a comprehensive and overall plan, not a scrabble for little pieces of the carcass.
We need a huge injection of money from big businesses (with no underhand kickbacks) to build worthwhile infrastructure, including hotels, shopping malls, smart housing, pedestrian walkways and well-maintained parks that will provide hundreds and hundreds of jobs.
Entrepreneurship is an illusion and a pipe dream. You can’t build the wealth of a country on dozens of amateur cash-driven craft sellers who don’t pay tax.
Of 25 000 people, there might be only one person with the talents and knowledge to build a viable, taxable business.
To those that criticise the Hout Bay Market for having “expensive” space, consider the jobs that it has provided where before there were none.
If we are to have a world-class harbour, we need proper, world-class infrastructure that we can all be proud of.