More than two bakkie loads of litter were picked up from the rocks at the end of Harbour Road last weekend.
The clean-up on Saturday April 5 was driven by Hout Bay pro surfer and local Waves 4 Change (W4C) surf school head Frank Solomon (“Surf’s up at Waves 4 Change school,” Sentinel, February 23), and included children from the surf school and members of the public wanting to help.
“It was crazy. We picked up more than two bakkie loads in about half an hour,” Mr Solomon said.
“With the surf school, it has been my goal to teach the kids about ocean plastics and pollution, so it was great to see so many people involved. We had about 40 kids and 20 members of the public there,” he said.
Mr Solomon is aiming to hold clean-ups across Hout Bay, and ultimately envisions an “ocean school” to teach youngsters about protecting the environment.
To this end, he recently registered a new non-profit, the Sentinel Ocean Alliance, to manage the site where the surf school is held at the Chapman’s Peak side of the beach.
“We hope that we can introduce three large recycling bins at the site where people can throw away
their rubbish and plastics,” he