Community Crime Prevention (CCP) and Hout Bay Neighbourhood Watch (HBNW) have reached an agreement whereby JJ De Villiers will take on a volunteer operations co-ordinator role in conjunction with the HBNW Watchcon control room.
This will enable him to co-ordinate and control the efforts of responders during joint response actions, as well as to liaise with law enforcement organisations.
Watch chairperson Andrew Martin said he was “extremely happy” that recent negotiations had resulted in the two organisations working more closely together to further co-ordinate crime fighting initiatives within Hout Bay.
“JJ’s expertise will improve the effectiveness of HBNW’s Watchcon control centre, while maximising CCP efforts to support pro-active crime prevention,” he said.
CCP director and founder, Keri Cross, assured Hout Bay residents and CCP donors that Mr De Villiers remained a full -time employee of CCP and this additional responsibility would in no way affect his current CCP role.