Michael Ahlfanger, Hout Bay
The residents would like to challenge the comments made by Brett Herron (“Objections to emergency housing site”, Sentinel, September 15) of evacuation if there were a fire in the area proposed for the 200 emergency units next to the cemetery. Could this decision lead to the same scenario as March fires?
Firstly, he admits that there is one
formal entrance into and out of Hughenden Road.
Secondly, as an exit in case of a fire, he suggests that 600 to 1 000 people and residents go up the road towards the mountain (where there is no road) on foot or towards Whittlers Way.
Mr Herron denied that Hughenden is a cul de sac, yet it is. Maybe he hasn’t even been here .
The cemetery/tri-angle site is surrounded by graves on two sides and Hughenden Road which leads to the only entrance/exit between the pillars. This area is exactly in the same situation as the March fires at Dontse Yahke into Hughenden.
People will run to road with possessions and the emergency vehicles will not gain access through the narrow Hughenden entrance. Trapped and with no way of getting to anyone.
We stand by the option of using the depot area as it is safer and will cost less to prepare.
There are 2 333 signatures in objection to this proposal to date. We are all traumatised by the fire and cannot understand the irresponsibility of this decision.
* We would also like to congratulate our councillor, Rob Quintas on his election as a member of the Cape Town Metro Leadership.