A shooting incident in the Dontse Yakhe section of Imizamo Yethu at the weekend has claimed the lives of three men, all relatives, say police.
A fourth man was wounded.
The three relatives, aged 26, 20, and 18, were shot, along with an unknown man, in the early hours of Sunday, according to Hout Bay police station commander Lieutenant Colonel Jerome Syster.
Their names cannot be released because the family are living in fear, according to Lieutenant Colonel Syster.
The 20-year-old and the 26-year-old died at the scene while 18-year-old and the unknown man were wounded and rushed to hospital where the 18-year-old died.
The motive for the attack has yet to be established.
Lieutenant Colonel Syster said police were investigating murder and attempted murder cases.
• The body of a woman was found washed up on Hout Bay Beach on Friday afternoon.
The family do not want the police to release any details about the woman, who is known to the police, according to Lieutenant Colonel Syster.
Anyone with information can contact Crime Stop anonymously at 08600 10111.