Renate Henshilwood,
Hout Bay
With regards to the article from Sue Papin Sears (“Mailing is taxing,” Sentinel, September 13).
Thank you, Sue, for taking the time to put pen to paper. It jolted my memory, and I recalled a very similar incident almost two years ago on posting 24 hand-embroidered Christmas cards locally and overseas.
Not only was I shocked at
the cost, I was also conned out of a considerable amount of money and, worst of all, only three cards made it to their destination.
In support of you and to help stop the alleged fraud by staff at our post office, I picked up the phone there and then.
With my incident happening almost two years ago and yours only recently, one must assume
that we were not the only ones affected. Possible many more clients were conned at the Hout Bay post office in the time gone by.
Were you too? Was a member of your family or a friend or a visitor of yours?
I urge you to please phone SA Post Office Crime Buster Hotline on 0800 020 070 now, and supply you information, never mind if you by now no longer have all the documentation.
The more stories told, the stronger the case will be.