Psychologist Megan de Beyer launched her book, How to raise a man, a modern mother’s guide to parenting her sons, at Bishops in Rondebosch.
Her new book serves as a guideline for mothers raising teenage boys.
Ms De Beyer, 60, says her main motivation for the book is to help children to be seen and heard by their parents, “So that they have a parent who believes in them, who helps the child live their life”.
Ms De Beyer has a special connection to Bishops, as her two sons James and Jo were pupils at the school many years ago and it was where she developed her first parenting workshop called Strong mother — Strong sons.
Ms De Beyer used to run her own psychology practice at home but now hosts parenting workshops at schools and at people’s homes.
She also does one-on-one counselling online and life-coaching for young people to find their purpose in life.
The book looks at issues teenage boys face today, which include alcoholism, drug abuse, pornography, disrespect towards women and also focuses on how to have the conversation about sex with your son and gender-based violence.
“The main reason this book is so relevant is because we are worried about men today, we have seen bad press around masculinity and we would like to raise young boys who not only respect women but respect themselves,” she said.
Bishops principal Guy Pearson says they are pleased that Ms De Beyer chose Bishops to launch her book since the material arose out of her Strong Mothers — Strong Sons workshops which she first developed at Bishops.
“Parents need to familiarise themselves with the issues around parenthood and the development of masculinity and books and workshops such as this are invaluable in equipping parents for the challenges of the teenage years,” he said.
Noeleen Murray, who attended the launch, has two sons at Bishops.
She says the book asks parents to delve into important issues.
“It is a way to rethink motherhood, boyhood and manhood in a space that is well-informed and full of care,” she said.
Another parent, Mandy de Jager, has two sons who are teenagers.
“The important thing is to learn how to control yourself and how to understand yourself and personality before you try to institute rules on your children,” she said.
Visit Ms De Beyers’ website at