<figure class="article-body-image-wrapper crop-landscape"><img src="https://imengine.public.prod.inl.infomaker.io/?uuid=69beff03-df40-5c26-8857-e644754cc551&function=cropresize&type=preview&source=false&q=75&crop_w=0.99999&crop_h=0.75&width=2047&height=1152&x=1.0E-5&y=0.125" alt="" style="width:100%"><figcaption>Hout Bay library held a cake-cutting ceremony on Wednesday August 7 to celebrate its 35th birthday. Hout Bay resident Helen Nevin has fond memories of the library. “I have lived in Hout Bay for 40 years, and the library has been an intrinsic part of my life. The ‘old’ library, which was located in the museum hall, had a distinctive old-library smell. It was a far cry from the current light, airy facility, but there was always service with a smile, and my children loved hunting for books on the shelves. The ‘new’ library, which at 35 is no longer really new, offers the same friendly service and so much more,” she says.</figcaption></figure>