You have a chance to comment on proposed changes to a policy that defines cycling routes in the Table Mountain National Park and the code of conduct for those using them.
Over the past few months, SANParks and the Table Mountain Bike Forum (TMMTB) worked on revisions to the 2002 environmental management programme for the Table Mountain National Park.
The draft, now out for public comment, confirms existing cycling routes and proposes new ones.
There are also changes to the code of conduct for cyclists in the park.
Acting park manager Gavin Bell said the review was long overdue.
The park and the forum, he said, had found a practical way to manage cycling in the park.
He said he was encouraged by the identification of more routes.
The forum’s chairman, Meurant Botha, said it had sought to improve the current policy, introduce new cycling routes and strengthen linkages in the current network.
Comments on the draft environmental management programme can be sent to Simon Nicks of CNdV Africa at
Mountain bikers, road cyclists and other park users can comment on the programme, which is available for viewing at several libraries, including Bellville, or at the park’s offices.
The draft can be downloaded by visiting or go to