The Western Cape Blood Service (WCBS) says blood stocks have dropped to a two-day supply and it needs new and regular donors to help it get back to a five-day supply.
“The contributing factors to the blood shortage are that regular donors suffer from colds and flu and therefore can’t donate blood, as well as the current winter chill that we have experienced, deterring some donors from donating. WCBS aims to maintain a blood stock level of five days at all times to ensure we meet the demands of the Western Cape,” said the service’s Michelle Vermeulen.
Group O stocks, in particular, are critically low.
Visit, call 021 507 6300 or SMS “Blood” to 33507. If you are older than 16 and younger than 75, weigh more than 50kg, are healthy on the day of
donation and lead a safe sexual lifestyle, you should be able to donate blood.
Your one donation can save up to three people’s lives.