The Domestic Animal Rescue Group (DARG) has embarked on a R50 pledge drive in a bid to keep its doors open.
The Hout Bay NPO and pro-life shelter, which assists with the rescue and rehabilitation of neglected, abandoned and abused domestic animals, has experienced an influx of unwanted litters and animals requiring urgent medical attention, which has completely exhausted its cash resources.
Darg currently has about 300 animals in its care, comprising cats and dogs which require daily attention,” said spokeswoman Nathalee Kamieth.
“Darg’s overheads consist of staff wages, municipal water, rates and taxes, veterinary care, food, gen-
eral cleaning and medical supplies.
“As Darg is not government affiliated, its sole source of income is fundraising events as well as donations from the general public.”
She said while the Hout Bay community had “relentlessly supported” the organisation over the years, the influx of animals to the centre had taken its toll on resources.
“Accordingly we have initiated a plea for our R50 pledge drive. This entails a member of the public signing a debit order or committing to a scheduled monthly payment of R50 for a minimum period of six months, to enable Darg to meet its monthly overheads.
“To date Darg has received great support, however, we are still short of our financial target.”
The organisation requires 3 000 monthly pledges of R50, and currently has half this number.
Call 021 790 0383 for more information.
See story on page 11