Fancy a career in politics? Well, if you’re a Grade 9 or 10 school pupil, the Junior City Council could help you make your first grab at the levers of power.
Applications for the council are now open, and all Cape Town schools can apply, according to a City of Cape Town statement.
The JCC is run by the City to expose high school pupils to the workings of the city council.
The junior council’s term runs for a period of two years.
The JCC is a non-political programme that aims to foster a sense of civic responsibility among the youth, developing their skills, self image and confidence in their abilities to bring about change, says the City.
Local schools are invited to nominate pupils to participate in the programme.
Councillor Carl Pophaim, the JCC custodian, said applicants should be school pupils in Grade 9 or 10 in 2020; only two pupils per high school could qualify to participate; schools should nominate pupils with motivations to support each nomination; and pupils should be able to commit to at least one Saturday a month for junior council activities.
The programme aims to represent 116 wards and 24 sub-councils.
“Membership is entirely voluntary. Learners are required to spend time and effort dealing with socio-economic issues affecting the youth,” said Mr Pophaim.
“There are many steps you can take to make a difference, like taking pride in community public spaces, reporting crime, starting an outreach programme or being a voice for other people in your community. If you want to get involved, choose what feels right for you and what is in line with your talents and interests.”
Interested schools should to request an application form, or ask their principal. All schools in the Cape Metro will receive forms.
Further information can also be received on the JCC FaceBook page – Cape Town Junior City Council. The deadline for applications is Friday February 14, at 4pm.