Today it’s the annual Black Friday, and I’m sure you know how rough things get in South Africa.
With less than 28 days left until Christmas, don’t get it twisted. Unless you plan on splurging some cash on gifts for your loved ones, then Black Friday is the perfect opportunity to do so. Kry soema alles uit die way uit.
So for those people already planning to hit the stores this Black Friday, here are a few of my tips to survive it.
Make sure you put a day’s leave in. Don’t now tell your boss that you’re going out quickly for a Black Friday deal during your lunch break, then you end up coming back five hours later. Your boss won’t be too happy.
Firstly, you must dress accordingly. Don’t wear sloffies and dik klere. You won’t even make it past the front door. Wear comfortable, yet lekker grippy takkies or boots as well as loose clothes. It gets very hot in shops on days like this, and chances are, the aircon will be broken.
Make a list and take your flyers with you. You must have a game plan. The mistake comes when you don’t know where to go in the store and you end up running up unnecessary aisles. Most stores usually advertise their Black Friday deals right in front of the store. Be wakker.
Take a shopping buddy with you. The other person is not only there to help you carry your stuff, but also keep you in check when you go overboard.
Draw only a certain amount of cash that you’re prepared to spend, and don’t forget to put your Uber money in your socks.
Exercise the week before Black Friday. You’re gonna have to be focused, both physically and mentally to take on this day. Watch a game of rugby before you go, because chances are you will be involved in a scrum for that blender, and you must win the scrum.
Focus on getting your stuff. Don’t let other people “vererg” you. People that shop on Black Friday want the specials, but they are also stressed that they didn’t even pay school fees for next year yet, so they will soema take their frustration out on you. Don’t get involved. Kry jou goed en waai.
Eat before you leave home. Eating food in the mall is not a priority on Black Friday. Have a good breakfast, and take that Turbo Boost if you must.
Leave the kids at home. I know you love your bundle of joy, but the kids will drive you crazy while you hunt for those specials. Niks van “Mummy I want that”. Los hulle by die huis.
Check online deals first. Most online retailers will send a Black Friday teaser a few days before the time. See what you can get online at much cheaper prices without the hassle of going into a mall. But do those finger exercises now already, if you blink that TV will be gone.
Lastly, stay at home. Avoid the shops, online stuff and all the madness that goes with Black Friday. You will definitely have more money left in January, than Sharon who blew her whole bonus on stuff she doesn’t need.
You won’t get hurt, and you will laugh at all the videos you see the next day of grown people fighting over coffee and chicken.
Chad Anthony Williams is a freelance journalist, proofreader and copywriter. This article first appeared on his blog at